New England's Premier Cannabis Competition

Countdown to The Harvest Cup 2025: Saturday, November 8, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, November 9, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA.

Don't wait - get your 2025 vendor booth today!

Click Here to Register

Competition Categories

Welcome to The Harvest Cup 2025 Competition! Submission dates are September 4-15, 2025. Please click the button below for all the details, then enter your email address to receive the competition information and entry form for 2025. Please note that we have gone back to anonymous entries - no branding/logos allowed.

Flower & Concentrate category winners will be announced on SUNDAY at 4:20 - all other category winners will be announced on SATURDAY at 4:20.

Competitors may enter as many categories as you choose. Click here for more details.

Competition - Edibles

* Flower *

(broken down by terpene profile based on The Harvest Cup’s lab results, included in your submission fee)

* Solvent Concentrates *

* Solventless Concentrates *

* Vapes *

* Standard PreRolls *

* Infused PreRolls *

* Topicals *

* Sweet Edibles *

* Sugar Confections *

* Savory Edibles *

* Beverages *

* Syrups / Sauces / Condiments *

* Tinctures / Oral Sprays *

2018 Winners

Do you think you have the best flower? Concentrate? Edible?

Click for Competition Categories & Requirements

2024 Tradeshow and Exhibition

Thank you!

2024 was a tough year for a lot of us.  The Harvest Cup would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all of you who have a hand in helping us pull off this event every year.  We know you work hard to provide the best products, customer service, and memories when you attend events like this and we’re honored to be a part of that.  Thank you.  Thank you to our vendors, competitors, judges, volunteers, attendees, and everyone who helps to make our event a success every year! Thanks to our prize sponsors, we are able to offer some cool prizes to the winners of our competition. Returning for another year in 2024 we had Joe & Wendy from I Think I’ve Created a Monstah! who made awesome stash jar “Cups”, Sarah & Ralph from Olive You Pottery created some unique & fun bongs, and Kyle from Blingin’ Beads once again did beautiful mini sets of beads for each winner!

We were grateful to have DJ Mic Stylz back this year, who helped us raise $2000 at the Kick Off party raffle.  We donated some of it to patients in the cannabis community battling cancer and some to families struggling financially to get through the holidays.  Over the past 8 years, we have raised over $20,000 and every dime of that has gone to help either veterans, transplant/cancer patients, or members of the local community who are struggling for one reason or another. This party has been my (Jenn’s) baby from the start, and I am eternally grateful for the generosity of the community who either donates to the raffle or purchases tickets!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me be able to do this every year!


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2025 Vendor Rates

NEW THIS YEAR – Sponsorships are not required when purchasing an End Cap. All sponsorships can be purchased as an add-on when registering for any booth space.
Additional Vendor Lanyards/Booth Passes for Personnel are available for $50 each (pass is good for BOTH days).