Sira Naturals
We’re not Big Pharma. At SIRANATURALS, we take science very seriously but we also believe in taking a natural approach to creating medical marijuana products. The pharmaceutical drug industry wants to isolate active molecules and sell you pills and chemicals. We want you to feel better naturally, instead.
While synthetic THC exists, natural cannabis appears to be more effective. A simple parallel may be drawn between whole grain and white flour. Separating grain into its components reduces its nutritional benefits. The same is true for cannabis – science hasn’t caught up to nature. That’s why we do what we do.
Sira Naturals
We’re not Big Pharma. At SIRANATURALS, we take science very seriously but we also believe in taking a natural approach to creating medical marijuana products. The pharmaceutical drug industry wants to isolate active molecules and sell you pills and chemicals. We want you to feel better naturally, instead.
While synthetic THC exists, natural cannabis appears to be more effective. A simple parallel may be drawn between whole grain and white flour. Separating grain into its components reduces its nutritional benefits. The same is true for cannabis – science hasn’t caught up to nature. That’s why we do what we do.