
Do you have what it takes to win?

Thank you for your interest in competing. Submissions for 2024 are over - please keep your eyes open for the 2025 dates on our website and social media pages! We hope to see you all at the event November 9th & 10th where we will announce this year's winners. Flower & Concentrate category winners will be announced on SUNDAY at 4:20 - all other category winners will be announced on SATURDAY at 4:20.

Competition Categories for 2024

* Flower *

(broken down by terpene profile based on The Harvest Cup’s lab results, included in your submission fee)

* Solvent Concentrates *

* Solventless Concentrates *

* Vapes *

* Standard PreRolls *

* Infused PreRolls *

* Topicals *

* Sweet Edibles *

* Sugar Confections *

* Savory Edibles *

* Beverages *

* Syrups/Sauces/Condiments *

* Tinctures / Oral Sprays *

Do you think you have the best flower? Concentrate? Edible?


Vendors to browse for your holiday shopping!

From hemp clothing to CBD pet treats, our vendors have everything you need for your holiday shopping.
Check them out here.